26 September: Mike Nock Trio


September 26


08:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Event Category:

Eventbrite Events, September

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/mike-nock-trio-tickets-1015878839957


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/foundry616-80388043673

Foundry 616

616 Harris Street, Ultimo, NSW 2007

Ultimo, NSW, AU, 2007

A groundbreaking night and double celebration!

Nat King Cole pioneered the drumless trio back in the late 1930s with his innovative lineup of just piano, guitar, and bass. Now, in 2024, Mike Nock is reviving that concept with a very special show at Foundry616. The absence of a drummer creates space for unique, exciting improvisations and a wonderful interplay of dynamics between the three musicians.


  • Mike Nock – Piano
  • Hilary Geddes – Guitar
  • Jonathan Zwartz – Bass

This event is also an opportunity to celebrate Mike’s upcoming induction into the New Zealand Music Hall of Fame, which will take place on Tuesday, 8 October, in Wellington. This prestigious award recognizes Mike’s incredible career across New Zealand, Australia, and the US. As the award organizers noted:

“Nock has already received a variety of appropriate accolades – Best Jazz Album at the NZ Music Awards in 1987, appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to jazz in 2003, inducted into the Australian Jazz Hall of Fame in 2009, presented with the Don Banks Music Award in Australia in 2014 – but his impact on the landscape of music, and in particular jazz in Aotearoa, is undeniable. We’re thrilled to have this opportunity to celebrate Nock’s enduring influence and incredible body of work.”

Join us on Thursday, 26 September, for a double celebration—the return of the classic drumless trio and Mike’s induction into the Hall of Fame!