08 August: Miella Sartori Presents: ‘Music That Stirs The Soul’


August 8


08:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Event Category:

August, Eventbrite Events

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/miella-sartori-presents-music-that-stirs-the-soul-tickets-944208913277


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/foundry616-80388043673

Foundry 616

616 Harris Street, Ultimo, NSW 2007

Ultimo, NSW, AU, 2007

Created and directed by guitarist Luke Greenhalgh and vocalist Miella Sartori, this unforgettable melodious escapade is designed to be absorbed through all senses and felt in the body, heart, and psyche. The show explores funk fusion, progressive rock, pop, jazz, folk, and more, with each song carefully selected to create a delicious tapas of sound, leaving the audience with an enhanced understanding of the power of music.

The band has performed at iconic jazz clubs, including It’s Still A Secret in Brisbane and The Underground with the Newcastle Improvised Music Association (NIMA). Featuring old classics, reimagined chart toppers, heartbreaking instrumentals, and stank-face grooves, this show is a must-see.

“Virtuosic superbness!!” – NIMA


  • Miella Sartori – Vocalist
  • Luke Greenhalgh – Guitar
  • David Wyatt – Drums
  • Nikil Sathyan – Bass
  • Tom Walsh – Saxophone
  • Robin Park – Trumpet
  • Yimu Liu – Trombone

Catch the sounds of LULA at Foundry.