15 March: “Ladies of Piano & Song” Experience ft. Tiana Elle


March 15


08:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Event Category:

Eventbrite Events, March

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ladies-of-piano-song-experience-ft-tiana-elle-tickets-1207099439919


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/foundry616-80388043673

Foundry 616

616 Harris Street, Ultimo, NSW 2007

Ultimo, NSW, AU, 2007

From Aretha to Alicia, join us on a sing-along experience celebrating iconic female piano vocalists!

Australia’s brightest female piano vocalist, Tiana Elle, pays tribute to the extraordinary women who sing and play piano simultaneously. These iconic artists have sold over 150 million albums combined, leaving an indelible mark on music history.

Featuring timeless hits like “I Will Survive,” “Natural Woman,” and “Girl on Fire,” this show takes you on an immersive journey through the music and personal stories of these phenomenal female artists. More than a tribute, it’s a celebration of the power and evolution of women’s voices in music, showcasing their impact across generations.

Backed by her talented band, Tiana Elle has curated an incredible songbook that promises an unforgettable evening. Be captivated by her enchanting performance and sing along to the songs that have defined eras and inspired countless artists.

Don’t miss this unforgettable celebration of talent, passion, and legacy!