03 July: Annaliesa Rose & the Buds


July 3


08:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Event Category:


Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/annaliesa-rose-the-buds-tickets-921259982407


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/foundry616-80388043673

Foundry 616

616 Harris Street, Ultimo, NSW 2007

Ultimo, NSW, AU, 2007

Annaliesa Rose made her debut on the Sydney jazz scene at Foundry616 in February and is returning on July 3rd to take you on a musical journey featuring her favorite standards, swing, bossa nova, and original compositions.

With a background in performing arts and jazz education from Australian jazz legend Kerrie Biddell and a Bachelor of Music in Jazz from ANU, Annaliesa brings her animated personality and vocal talents to the stage. Accompanied by Daryl Wallis (Piano), Guy Vaughan-Smith (Bass), Sam Mudie (Guitar) Annaliesa Rose & the Buds invite you to enjoy a fun-filled evening of music.

Her debut album, “Is That Jazz?” is available for purchase and streaming, as Annaliesa shares her love for music, hoping to capture a place in your heart with her captivating vocal tone and down-to-earth charm.