08 June: Joe Chindamo Trio


June 8


08:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Event Category:

Eventbrite Events, June

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/joe-chindamo-trio-tickets-909542324577


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/foundry616-80388043673

Foundry 616

616 Harris Street, Ultimo, NSW 2007

Ultimo, NSW, AU, 2007

Joe Chindamo Trio – Saturday, 8th of June, 2024:

Joe Chindamo, a musical polyglot and acclaimed jazz pianist returns to the Foundry stage this June!

Joe Chindamo is a musical polyglot whose art defies classification. While forging an international career as a brilliant jazz pianist – producing 23 CDs, topping the jazz charts in Japan, winning a slew of awards (including being inducted into the Bell Award Hall of Fame in 2016), and touring the world with the genre’s leading figures- he was working as first- call pianist on over 60 film soundtracks and performing & recording with a plethora of leading artists from the worlds of opera, jazz, theatre, and pop.

More recently Chindamo has emerged as a coveted new voice in contemporary classical composition, receiving numerous commissions from Australia’s leading soloists, chamber groups, and symphony orchestras, including the Australian Chamber Orchestra, Australian String Quartet, Camerata, and the Melbourne and Queensland Symphony Orchestras.